Teach Your Children Intentionally

This message is very applicable to parents with young kids and teenagers.


Here are some important points I learned from Ptr. Peter Tan-Chi’s message, Teach Intentionally.

1. It is incumbent upon you to give your children a vision of what God wants them to become because God has great plans. Sometimes we don’t help our children to see a vision of what they can become because you are not intentional and that’s why I say be intentional. Teach intentionally, give them a vision.

2. You need to teach your children the life of faith. You need to teach them to be thankful.

3. God wants your children to become Christ-confident and not self-confident. The problem with self-confidence, you become proud. The problem with self confidence, you become depressed if you fail. God want us to develop Christ-confidence because God gave us a promise -“We can do all this through him who gives us strength” (Philippians 4:13). It’s about him not you.

4. Teach your children the importance of priority (God->Family->Studies->Friends)

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