Wonders to Wander

For Philippine Passport Holders: Tips In Getting Your Japan Tourist Visa Approved

Traveling to Japan with my family has been one of the best experiences in my life. Seeing the cherry blossoms bloom personally is a totally different experience compared to when you see it in pictures. The pictures really don’t do it any justice. However, Japan requires its tourists to have approved visas to get into their country. With that, here are some of the tips I can recommend based on my experience when I applied for Japan visas for my family.

1. Your passport has to be filled with other Asian countries’ stamps.

There are a lot of countries in Asia that does not require its travelers to obtain tourist visas. The Japan embassy would want to see how much of a traveler you are and you have a history of returning back to the Philippines. You can prove this by showing them your different passport stamps from other Asian countries. Two countries are enough to justify that you’re a frequent traveler. Some of the non-visa Asian countries are Singapore, Taiwan, or Vietnam. The Japanese consuls would like to see that you, indeed, travel for either work or vacation and that you go back to the Philippines.

If it’s your first time to travel to Japan, then it would be a lot harder for you to get your application approved. If you have the opportunity to go to other countries first, then do so before you plan on traveling to Japan.

2. Compile all your documents.

Make sure that you compile it all in an organized manner. My tip is that you check the Japan embassy’s website for their ordered list of requirements. You should ensure that you have every document needed and organized to avoid wasting time in finding through your documents when you’re in front of the consul.

3. Place it in a clear folder.

This is a must! If you have a lot of things with you on the day of your interview, you should put all the necessary documents in a separate clear folder. This will help you see through which folders contain such documents.

4. Do not lie about anything.

Just like with any other government or professional visa applications, you should not lie about anything else. You have to know that they are a part of Japan’s government too. They will check everything to ensure that the information being relayed to them is correct.

5. Provide a detailed schedule of your stay in Japan.

Whether you’re staying in Japan for three days or two weeks, you have to provide at least an overview of your daily schedule in Japan. This should coincide with the type of visa you’re applying for.

These are just some of the tips you can do to get your Japan visa approved. Don’t worry. This is the only tough part! After getting approval for your visa, you can now enjoy traveling and seeing what kind of beauty Japan has to offer.

Requirements for a Japan Tourist Visa for Filipinos:

(Source: www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp)

*All documents must be original unless otherwise stated.

1. Philippine Passport (Broken passport is not accepted. Passports must be signed and must have at least two (2) blank visa pages.

2. Visa Application Form

– Available at the Embassy website, at the entrance of the Embassy or at any of the accredited travel agencies.

– Application form should be filled out all items correctly, If item is not applicable, please fill in [N/A]. Embassy may not accept application with blank item, no signature or no date in the form; may deny the application that is filled out incorrectly or wrong information.

3. Photo

4. Birth Certificate

4. Marriage Certificate if Applicants are Married

6. Daily Schedule in Japan (TAIZAI YOTEIHYO ?

*If applicant will shoulder part or all of his/her travel expenses

Validity of Bank Certificate is three (3) month from the date of issue

6. [If Guarantor who lives in the Philippines will shoulder part or all of the applicant’s travel expenses]

    1. Guarantee Letter
    2. Proof of relationship between applicant and guarantor (e.g. Birth Certificates etc.)
    3. Bank Certificate (original) and Income Tax Return (ITR Form 2316) (clear Photocopy) of Guarantor


Size of document for application should be A4 size only. If document is other size, please submit copy that is already adjusted in A4 size from its original and without staples or pasting pages.

Applicants are exempted from submitting (4) and (5) Indicated above if they can submit old/valid passports with used Japan visa.

It is applicant’s responsibility to ensure that he/she meet the requirements for the grant of a visa. Submission of any supporting documents not listed above is encouraged (e.g. applicant’s economic or social ties with the Philippines, urgent reasons for visit: medical certificate, wedding invitation).